Racial Justice
Georgia ENROLL

Please join us in
celebrating GLSP's
50 years of service
at our upcoming
fundraising event.
Georgia Legal Services
Program Golden Anniversary
Celebration commemorating
GLSP's 50 years of service
Thursday, May 5, 2022
The Foundry at Puritan Mill
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New Number to Apply for Georgia Rental Assistance - Eviction Prevention Initiative
To apply for rental assistance through the GA Rental Assistance – Eviction Prevention Initiative, please call 1-844-779-3278 on Monday or Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon, except holidays.
Intake for these applications may end before noon on these days depending on call volume.
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We provide free civil legal services to low-income or senior-aged, rural Georgians for a wide variety of legal matters.

We believe all Georgians have a right to quality legal representation. Are you with us? Sign up to volunteer your expertise.

Your generous support makes it possible to provide quality legal services to thousands of Georgians in need annually.