1-833-GLSPLAW (1-833-457-7529)

Brunswick Staff Attorney, Elliott Gillooly, Protects Senior from Negligent Landlord

Brunswick Staff Attorney, Elliott Gillooly, Protects Senior from Negligent Landlord Client names and identifying information are changed to protect our client’s privacy. Sandra O’Connor is a senior citizen living in Southeast Georgia. Her total annual retirement income is around $20,000 a year. For years, she rented a mobile home for $400/month. The mobile home was […]

Savannah Staff Attorney Alison Slagowitz on Fair Housing Act Developments on LGBTQ Rights

Savannah Staff Attorney Alison Slagowitz writes about Fair Housing Act Developments Supporting LBGTQ Rights This article was originally published in the Federal Bar Association’s “OUTside Influence” Spring 2019 Newsletter. To see the original piece and citations, click here. Seven days after the assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil […]
